Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Nazis had a Moon Base
According to other theories it is believed that the Nazis had made contact with 'half a dozen' alien races, including the malevolent Reptilians.
"Sorry to brake it to you but I don't believe this but it is a conspiracy so i'll post it."
Pearl Harbor Was Allowed to Happen

Theorists believe that the US was warned by, at least, the governments of Britain, Netherlands, Australia, Peru, Korea and the Soviet Union that a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was coming. All important Japanese codes were broken. FDR and Marshall and others knew the attack was coming, allowed it and covered up their knowledge.
Global Warming is a Fraud?
The suggestion of a conspiracy to promote the theory of global warming was put forward in a 1990 documentary The Greenhouse Conspiracy broadcast by Channel Four in the United Kingdom on 12 August 1990, as part of the Equinox series, which asserted that scientists critical of global warming theory were denied funding.
William Gray, phD (a pioneer in the science of hurricane forecasting) has made a list of 15 reasons for the global warming hysteria. The list includes the need to come up with an enemy after the end of the Cold War, and the desire among scientists, government leaders and environmentalists to find a political cause that would enable them to ‘organize, propagandize, force conformity and exercise political influence. Big world government could best lead (and control) us to a better world!’ In this article, Gray also cites the ascendancy of Al Gore to the vice presidency as the start of his problems with federal funding. According to him, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration stopped giving him research grants, and so did NASA.
Thank you WikipediaU.S. military caused the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

Popular Arab news services claim the U.S. and Indian militaries deliberately caused the Indian Ocean tsunamis with electromagnetic pulse technology. Another type of theory bases its claims on oil and gas interests.
Others also reason that the technology is at least feasible if not highly probable since research into such technology has been conducted by the military as far back as World War II.
Apollo 11moon landing faked!!
Proponents of the Apollo moon landing hoax accusations allege that the Apollo Moon Landings never took place, and were faked by NASA with possible CIA support. Enthusiasts of this theory claim that:
- The astronauts could not have survived the trip because of exposure to radiation
- The photos were altered: the Crosshairs on some photos appear to be behind objects, rather than in front of them where they should be
- The quality of the photographs is implausibly high.
- There are no stars in any of the photos, and astronauts never report seeing any stars from the capsule windows.
- Identical backgrounds in photos that are listed as taken miles apart.
- The moon's surface during the daytime is so hot that camera film would have melted.
- No blast crater appeared from the landing
- The launch rocket produced no visible flame.
- The flag placed on the surface by the astronauts flapped despite there being no wind on the Moon.
The Roswell UFO

By the early 1990s, UFO researchers such as Friedman, William Moore, Karl Pflock, and the team of Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt had interviewed several hundred people [11] who had, or claimed to have had, a connection with the events at Roswell in 1947. Additionally, hundreds of documents were obtained via Freedom of Information Act requests, as were some apparently leaked by insiders, such as the disputed “Majestic 12″ documents. Their conclusions were that at least one alien craft had crashed in the Roswell vicinity, that aliens, some possibly still alive, were recovered, and that a massive cover-up of any knowledge of the incident was put in place.
US Conducted 9-11

A number of urban myths, alternative hypotheses and conspiracy theories have been formulated to explain the events of September 11th:
- The U.S., Israel or Iraq government orchestrated the attacks themselves.
- The Twin Towers fell straight down, at close to free-fall speed. This is a similar characteristic of a controlled demolition. The dust cloud and its make up are considered un-characteristic of a gravity-driven collapse.
- It is often pointed out that no steel building before or since the 9-11 attack has collapsed as the result of fire.
- The rubble of the Twin Towers smoldered for weeks after the collapse. This claim is meant to point out that steel could only have smoldered as a result of pre-placed explosives.
- Some consider photographic evidence of the plane lying on the grounds of the Pentagon to be ambiguous and unconvincing, citing a visual lack of burnt metal, human remains, passenger's luggage or seats.
- The Pentagon was struck in a newly renovated, reinforced section. Some speculate this location, the west side of the complex, to be indicative of government involvement, noting it as an attempt to reduce casualties.
- Flight 77 was able to fly in the direction of the DC and Pentagon area for approximately 40 minutes without interception. This is thought to be unusual given the Pentagon's close proximity to Andrews Air Force Base.
- There are claims that anti-missile batteries at the Pentagon should have intercepted Flight 77.
- The FBI confiscated a video, which may have captured the impact, from a nearby gas station attended by Jose Velasquez. This video has not yet been released.